If God were a superhero, all of this would be so much easier. Our enemies would be routed. Just when we think all is lost, God would soar back through the sky and destroy all evil.
If God were a sorceress, all of this would be so much easier. Drawing a sparkling flask from her robes, God would have just the right potion at hand to defeat the virus, and the magical skill to conjure enough vaccine for everyone.
Even if God were an efficient government agency — well, that is less colorful but even that kind of god would be reassuringly predictable. The temple staff in Jerusalem, whose tables Jesus dramatically overthrows: they seem quite comfortable with the vision of God as Bureaucrat.
If God were any of these things, all of this would be so much easier.
That God is not only not these things, but not a thing at all — that God does not exist in a finite way as we do, but rather is the essence of existence itself — well, this can often feel quite disappointing.